Overcoming overwhelm

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a bit now and I finally found some time tonight. So welcome — here’s a little update of life in the Torres household.

Both Eric and I are trying to find a “new normal.” Figuring out schedules and how to best support each other in this season. We don’t get to see each other as much as we used to, but I can tell we’re in such better places now even though at this moment the places are farther apart. Goals are being realized and it’s incredible to live them.

Eric’s still enjoying working full time at the restaurant and although I haven’t been able to see him in action, I know he’s doing an awesome job. He’s the most hardworking person I know and if he’s committed to something, he’s going to give it his all.

My sleep schedule has gotten funky {mostly} because of his restaurant hours — even though I’m tired I love hearing the stories about his day. The funny things that happened, the kind words a customer said, how he made a difference in someone’s experience. He’s proud and excited for the new opportunities ahead. I’m proud and excited with him!

Last summer was happily consumed with wedding activities. Preparations, celebrations, and of course, the special day. I thought this summer would be so much calmer. Silly me.

The last 2 weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind.

I’m halfway through my real estate class with just 3 weekends left (including this one!) Plus I started my new job on June 12th. Bring on all the new info! My days lately have been spent in class, at work, or learning (for both class and work).

Each day has been getting a little easier. More information is sticking. I’m becoming more comfortable and confident. I’m answering more questions correctly on exam preps.

Despite the craziness, I still feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be. As I look back over what got me to this point, there’s no doubt it was God’s doing. His perfect plan. He’s been weaving my story and aligning it all to get me here. So grateful!

You know when you’re starting something new and you all of a sudden have that overwhelming doubt? It’s too hard. I’m not ready for this. I can’t do it. Those thoughts have flashed through my mind on multiple occasions over the last few weeks.

What have I gotten myself into!? 

But I’m confident. I can do this. I was brought to this point for a reason. It’s going to be uncomfortable for a bit — that’s normal. Understandable. But if I can just push past it, it’ll be worth it.

So lately as I’ve been feeling this overwhelm, I’ve decided I’m going to overcome. I am an overcomer. I will not let doubt hold me and I won’t get in my way.

How have I been working on that?


I’ve accepted that I’m overwhelmed and anxious at times. That’s okay. But I don’t have to face it all in my own strength. I pray for His wisdom, His peace, His comfort. I pray that I’ll be an example of His light and love to those I interact with. I pray that a little bit more will stick and I’ll feel more comfortable and confident than the day before. I pray that I’ll do my best and allow Him the space to fill in the gaps.

They’re simple prayers, but they do so much good. I talk to Him when I can — in the car, in a quiet moment, and anytime my heart needs a boost. It makes a difference.

Let go

I have a page full of goals for the month of June: good habits I want to develop and things I want to accomplish. I started off the month strong and even tried to keep it all up once classes started. But I quickly realized I can’t keep up with everything.

That bothered me. I wanted to continue to do it all. But I also knew that wasn’t reasonable. By continuing to push through, I was spreading myself way too thin. So I’m having to find the balance. Not everything will get checked off each day and I’m okay with that. I’m letting that guilt go. I’m making progress on the few most important things. Yes, that means many empty boxes, but that’s good enough.

Guilty pleasures

Episodes of Friends and Blue Bell Cookies ‘n Creme. That’s been the jam. That is my mini escape. “Free time” isn’t exactly a thing lately, but I try to find some time to unwind #nodaysoff. Admittedly I’ve probably had ice cream more nights this week than not. Whoops. I suppose that’s a part of the letting go.

This isn’t a season I’ll be in forever. If that means a few more ice cream nights, then fine. I’m not holding myself to a level of perfection. I’m extending myself more grace because I need it. It’s more about getting through in one piece. And my philosophy is that it’s better to have a treat here and there than to just crazy splurge later. Craving the ice cream?? Eat the ice cream. Give yourself what you need right now. Ice cream isn’t always the answer, but sometimes it may be.

Friend, can you relate?

You may be reading this in the midst of your crazy. Or maybe you just got through that season. Or maybe you’re getting ready to enter it. No matter where you are, I’m cheering you on. You are doing amazing things and your best days are ahead. Lets encourage one another and lift each other up ❤

You’re doing great!


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